Blog writing for subject matter experts: essential tips

Need to write a blog for marketing but no idea where to start? our guide for subject matter experts should be your first port of call. Read it here!

Picture of Alex Martin Alex Martin

Published: 07 Aug 2020

7 minutes read

Blog writing for subject matter experts: essential tips

One sure fire way to succeed at content marketing is to know exactly what you’re writing about. If you’re an expert in your field, then this knowledge comes easy to you, but if you haven’t written content before, then the idea of writing a blog to be used for marketing might seem like a big ask. 

However, leveraging your expertise is essential if you want to successfully attract, engage and educate your readers, so figuring out how to write the perfect blog post for marketing should be your number one priority. Here, we’ve put together some top tips for doing this, as well as some suggestions for new content. 

Always write a brief 

One of the main issues that content writers find is that it can be difficult to stay on track. Subject matter experts have an even more tricky time with this - if you’re writing about a topic that you enjoy, it’s easy to get carried away. Writing a brief means that you can organise and plan out your blog, and it’s a great point of reference if you find yourself getting carried away. Consider the personas you’re looking to target, the buyer’s journey that your content should follow, and the next actions you want them to take. This ensures that you are writing with specific goals in mind. 

Subheadings are your friend 

Too many headings can seem a little daunting, but using headings to separate your content into smaller sections is another great way to stay organised. Lay out your content using headings in your initial blog brief, and remember your content hierarchy. Ideally, your blog title should be a h1, h2s should signify the main points, and you can venture into h3s if you need a further breakdown. We wouldn’t recommend going much further than this - unless you’re writing a pillar page, too many different types of headings can make a page look untidy. 

Struggling to put together a blog brief? Download our free template

Do your research 

We know - if you’re an expert in your subject, then surely you don’t need to do additional research? 


The kind of research we’re talking about is  checking out other content in your industry, looking for common themes, tone of voice, and for ideas on how to produce blogs that appeal to your readers. You can have a great idea for a piece of content, but if it isn’t tailored to what people are searching, answering a question they have, or providing specific knowledge about your subject, then it won’t get anywhere. 

Be original 

Even though researching other pieces of content includes checking on your competitors, it’s important that your content is original. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to pick a topic out of thin air, but it does mean that every blog you write should have something new to bring to the table. If you’ve seen the same blog on five different websites, then consider how you can make it more appealing. Film a video to go alongside it, commission an infographic, or even just experiment with a different tone of voice. Readers appreciate originality - and that’s the only way to create a successful marketing blog post. 

Know your audience 

If there’s already a marketing strategy in place, then it’s likely that you already have a fleshed out personas to tailor your writing to. Knowing your audience means understanding their specific pains, concerns and goals - a good persona should provide you with this. Equally, you should tailor your writing and structure to match.  

Keep jargon to a minimum

It’s tempting (when you’re an expert in your field) to fall into the trap of using specialist phrasing. However, the best way to make sure your blog works for a wider audience is to imagine that you’re explaining your subject to a complete novice. Too much jargon can be incredibly off-putting - so consider your audience’s knowledge level before writing. 

Use bullet points when needed 

Once you start writing based on your brief, you might have the temptation to add too many bullet points. When you aren’t used to writing long form copy, bullet points are an easy way out, but they too can be off-putting to readers. Use them when you’re putting together a short list, but refrain from creating an entire post of bullet points - you’re trying to entice readers to visit a blog post, not a shopping list!

Have a next step in mind 

This should be planned out at the brief stage - when creating content, you need to have a logical next step in mind. Usually this takes the form of a CTA, either to another piece of content, a consultation or a way to purchase your products or services. Keep this next step in mind throughout your writing process, so that your blog is consistently leading the reader to move further along in their buying journey. 


We know that it isn’t easy to get started writing a blog, particularly if you haven’t done it previously. That’s why we’ve put together a list to help you get started. Here are some ideas for new content - see if they fit your personas and get started!

  • Try writing up a case study for one of your clients - not only does the client get free promotion, but you can use stats to entice new leads.
  • Interview some fellow experts about a common issue your clients face.  
  • Ask your sales and customer service teams about the questions your prospects and customers ask, and create a blog to answer one. 
  • Got an idea on where your industry is going in the future? Write an opinion piece. Not only do readers prefer content with a personal element, but it’ll help solidify your position as an expert in your field. 
  • Check out your competition! If they have a high performing blog, or one that you think you can write better, it might be a good jumping off point. 
  • Never underestimate the value of keyword research. If you come across questions in your industry that are searched fairly often, creating a piece of content to target these can create some brilliant results. 

Still stuck on how to write the perfect blog? We’ve created a template, where you can figure out what the audience wants, what you need to include, and even some helpful tips on where to place CTAs, break up your content, and more.

Download it for free below! 



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