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How to create the best landing page for conversions

Written by Alison Irlam | 29 Jun 2021

We all know we have to make every moment count when online, but for landing pages on B2B websites these moments matter even more.

But, did you know that a staggering 49% of marketers stated that increasing customer acquisition was their primary objective last year? If you’re one of the 49%, then you’re probably aware of how important landing pages are to building customer relationships. 

But, in a world where every second counts, how can you heighten your chances of landing those leads? Don’t worry - here’s 6 of our best landing page tips to help you turn more potential clients into firm leads.

1. Clear messaging

There’s nothing more annoying than going on a landing page, reading the copy and thinking ‘so what value will this asset actually offer me?’

With 29.5% of landing pages containing too much copy, not only can this confuse your potential clients into understanding what they’re actually getting, but it can also effect your conversion rates. Ultimately, the more confusing messaging, the less likely people are to fill out their information and download your asset.

While it’s good to have information about what your promoted asset is about, you want to make it as clear and concise as possible.

We find that using bullet points helps easily convey information about the asset without boring your reader into clicking off.

2. Include images and videos

A picture’s worth a thousand words’, and, well, so are videos.

Although having a copy on your landing page is vital for SEO and conveying information, not everyone wants to read about how great your asset is.

Make sure the format of your content adheres to a hierarchy of value - with text being perceived as the lowest value format. Images are perceived as being of higher value to your website users, and videos hold the highest value, giving a greater perception of quality in your offer.

If you’ve got a lot of information to convey, or simply want to add another spoke in your wheel, adding relevant images or videos on your landing pages can help increase conversion rates. Don’t believe me? Adding a relevant video on your landing page can increase conversion rates by as much as 86%.

If you’re considering using videos on your landing pages, treat them as you would copy by:

  • Keeping them short and to the point.
  • Letting them flow in a logical order.
  • Making sure they’re well-produced and edited.
  • Making sure they’re completely relevant and tailored to the offer of the landing page.

3. Clear Call-to-Action

Ultimately, when people are on a landing page you want them to convert. Whether it’s by downloading an asset or registering interest for a webinar or, you want to make it as obvious as possible as to what the client will get by handing over their information.

This is achieved with a clear, concise Call-to-Action (CTA) that’s the same overall your copy.

Make it obvious what you want the audience to do. Decide on one word to summarise the action they’re going to take. For example, if you want people to download an eBook, use the word ‘download’ throughout your copy. While ‘press the button to get your copy’ does the same, ‘get’ is vaguer. There’s no indicator of what would happen next.

Similarly, while you might not be sure what would offer the persona more value, try not to offer multiple CTAs on your landing pages unless you have a good reason. While it may seem internally like you’re giving your potential client more options, you can actually end up confusing them. And the proof is in the pudding, as research shows that having more than one offer on a landing page can decrease conversion rates by as much as 266%.

By keeping your landing pages clear, concise and focused to one asset, you’ll be making it obvious to your potential clients what asset they will receive and what they need to do in order to achieve it.

Want to learn more about how to optimise your website for B2B lead generation?

4. Search engine optimised

Typically, you’ll want to slowly nurture your lead with information through blog posts or other types of content you put out online, but if your headline is specific and targeted, it may also show up in search results too. Especially if it’s a good offer that targets a specific keyword, you could see traffic directly from search engines.

Because of this, the best landing pages are also search engine optimised

Although this might not seem like it’s on the top of your to-do list, research shows that 48% of the best landing pages are also ranked in organic listings, making it easier for their target audience to find and engage with their landing page.

By using specific, targeted keywords at around a 2% density in your copy as well as using them in the header, meta description and any appropriate tags, you should be able to optimise your landing page.

5. Remove the navigation

Although a landing page is a web page on your site, this doesn’t mean it should have the same features and UX as other pages.

When creating a landing page, you want it to be as distraction free as possible, keeping your potential client there for as long as possible and trying not to take them away from the offer. To do this, HubSpot recommends you remove the navigation on your landing pages, except for your logo which can link back to your homepage. 

Remember: you’re not trying to trap your users, you’re just trying to prevent them getting sidetracked.

Not only does this help keep your potential clients from getting distracted, but it has been found to increase conversion rates, especially in the consideration stage.

6. Provide something valuable

No matter how good your landing page is, you need to guarantee that not only your message is clear, but that you’re offering something of real value to your potential clients.

Realistically, if the asset doesn’t match your persona’s expectations and needs for the respective stage of the funnel, you’re not going to convert. 

For example, when you’re pitching a top of the funnel offer at the start of their journey, the best landing page for this stage would offer a free download or checklist. If you were to offer your potential client a meeting with a member of your team at this stage, you are unlikely to see any conversions as their expectations will be for a lower offer, such as a free download or short checklist. 

Writing the best landing pages for your business

No matter how your business is doing after the pandemic, our 6 tips can help you produce some of the best landing pages to help grow your business.

Landing page best practices can help your CTAs convert, get you more quality leads, and facilitate true business growth.

While your landing pages are key to on-site conversion, they aren’t the only thing you need to consider when looking at your website’s lead generation ability. Check out our free guide for our 6 steps to creating a B2B website that’s fully optimised for lead generation.