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B2B Inbound Marketing Tips: How to Create Good Landing Pages

Written by Joanne Marchington | 09 Apr 2015

Landing pages needs to effectively capture visitor details in order to be successful. No matter how much time and effort you invest in a campaign, visitors will bounce if you have a poor landing page design - and they're unlikely to come back.

The primary goal of your landing page is to gain contactable leads, and a B2B inbound marketing campaign should never start without one. Research from HubSpot shows that businesses with 31 to 40 landing pages on their website generate seven times more leads than those with only one to five landing pages. But how can you create an unbelievably good landing page? Listen up, we're letting you in on three secrets…

1. Remove the website navigation

Removing links away from the page - top and sidebar navigation, social media links, footers, etc - is a simple but vital step to improving your landing pages. Anything that distracts users from filling out the form needs to go. Unlike your homepage and product/services pages, which will be loaded with links and navigation to other areas of the website, your landing page should present a single action for visitors to take. Leaving the website navigation in place could prompt them to keep wandering. According to data from MarketingSherpa, only 16% of all landing pages are navigation-free!

2. Keep the form short and sweet

There is a temptation to try to extract as much data as possible from visitors with the forms on your landing pages. However, several studies have shown that the layout and appearance of the form can have a major impact on conversions. Forms that look time-consuming or difficult to complete will only overwhelm, irritate and confuse. Of course, the form needs to capture all the relevant information, but as a general rule you're more likely to build landing pages that convert with a short and simple form.

Only ask for information you really need - you can always request more details later as your lead moves further down the buying funnel. Avoid 'form fatigue' at all costs. Many visitors won’t have a problem sharing their name and email address, but ask them for too many details about their job role and company and you could see the bounce rate skyrocket.

3. Show value

Your calls to action set an expectation of what the visitor will see when they click through to the landing page, so if you promise one thing and deliver another, the conversion rate will inevitably suffer. Ensuring your landing page supports the message presented by the initial CTA is therefore crucial to instil confidence that your offer has true value.

On the landing page itself, a content preview is one of the best and most direct ways to show users what they'll get and how they can benefit from your content. Rather than focusing on your business, showcase what you can do for the visitor and highlight these benefits with concise bullet points.

People are visual creatures, so make sure your landing page includes a compelling image as well. You may have used copy to explain the content offer and its value, but an image can be a great tangible reminder what they’ll receive in exchange for sharing their contact details.