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7 B2B Content Marketing Tips from Inbound15

Written by Ian Guiver | 16 Sep 2015

Inbound15 reflected the way in which HubSpot, and inbound marketing more broadly, continues to grow at an amazing speed. Apart from there being far more content at the conference than any visitor can possibly cover (well over 200 sessions this year), there was also plenty of advice given on B2B content marketing. 


Here’s a quick rundown of the best content tips we heard last week:

1. Be an expert to boost SEO. Google is now looking for a definitive article on any subject. For this reason, it’s wise to cover your key topics of interest in depth, perhaps adding FAQs and as much meaty content as possible. Make a name for yourself as an expert on the subject, and try to cover all the questions that a reader might ask.

2. Know your blog types. HubSpot research shows that different writing styles influence readers in different ways. For instance, top of the funnel blogs are generally are best for driving traffic, and tend to consistently attract views over time. This is especially true when these blogs include market information, slideshare or graphics, and in-depth tactical advice. It's therefore worthwhile updating old content with new stats, thoughts and other updates to keep your best-performing blogs relevant. In contrast, HubSpot claims that tactical and promotional blogs are best for creating leads.

3. Anne Handley of Marketing Profs emphasised the need to always to ask - why will the world be better if people do what we recommend? Here’s a question to ask yourselves. If you covered up your client’s logo, would you know which company your copy is about? It’s important to remember that copy is just as much about repelling those we don’t want to talk to as attracting those who we do. In the B2B market in particular, a focused content marketing strategy will often be most effective.

4. FIWTSBS: Find interesting ways to say boring stuff. Anne used this great acronym, and it’s well worth repeating. Real opinions will more often than not lead to real substance in your blogs, and people want to read engaging content that sounds like it’s based in the real world. B2B content marketing can quickly become boring if you can’t engage and relate to your audience.

5. Information asymmetry is a great phrase to describe the changing balance of power between seller and buyer. Before the web, sellers had all the information and therefore held the power. However, now buyers have access to all the information they need and so the balance has changed.

6. Trust is everything in B2B. In our sector, people traditionally buy from people, while in B2C sectors we tend to buy from a brand. Trust is built on peer validation, expertise and relationships, and that’s what B2B content marketing should aim to establish. Business relationships and trust were once constrained by various practicalities, but now we can access infinite data through a range of smart devices. This makes geography irrelevant and interaction instant. Nurturing content and social media presence can show customers around the world that you are listening and available to help them.

7. Be creative. One of HubSpot’s most successful partners (PCR) presented on, among other things, the importance of design as a unique selling point. While your words are clearly very important, it’s also good to find artistic ways to present your content marketing strategy.